Challenges faced by Startups
Starting a new business can be a very challenging task. Knowing the challenges that you might face during your journey could come in handy and help you be prepared for what you might encounter!
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Starting a new business can be a very challenging task. Knowing the challenges that you might face during your journey could come in handy and help you be prepared for what you might encounter!
Startups are typically born out of big, innovative, bright ideas. However, even the most luminous idea will quickly fade and die out, if you fail to execute it properly. That’s why, at the core of every successful startup, there needs to be a sound, profitable business model.
The idea itself is just the first step in the business building process. Sure, you need to offer the marketplace something cool, new, and unique to garner the attention of your target audience.
But, that alone isn’t close to enough. You must also build a solid framework which will enable you to turn your idea into a profitable and sustainable business.
So, the logical question now is…
A pitch deck is a brief presentation, often created using PowerPoint, Keynote or Prezi, used to provide your audience with a quick overview of your business plan.
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