DISCLAIMER of OneStop Professional Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
startupcounter.com (website), owned by ONE STOP PROFESSIONAL SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD, strives to provide unbiased and accurate information, material, suggestions etc., collectively stated as “Content” to the best of its ability about all the professional services like- Taxation, GST, Investments, Insurance, Loans, Audit etc. on the website. If the said Content contains any mistakes, omissions, inaccuracies, discrepancies and typographical errors, etc. ONE STOP PROFESSIONAL SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD assumes no responsibility thereof and makes no warranty or representation regarding such Content. Any action on your part on the basis of the said Content is at your own risk and responsibility. ONE STOP PROFESSIONAL SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD reserves its right to correct any part of the said content at any time as and when required at its sole discretion.
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