Every companies incorporated under Companes Act, 2013 or 1956 is required to file annual returns to Registrar of Companies and Income Tax returns to Income Tax department on annual basis.The due date of filing the ITR for companies is 30th September and Due date for ROC returns is 30th October and 30 th November for AOC-4 and MGT-7. If Company is unable to file the annual returns, late filing fees of Rs. 100/- per day will be imposed.
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Every company incorporated under Companies Act,2013 required to file annual returns to Registrar of Companies and Income Tax returns to Income Tax department. Form MGT-7 used to file annual return within 60 days of conclusion of Annual General Meeting and Form AOC -4 is used to file annual accounts within 30 days of conclusion of Annual General Meeting. The due date of filling the ITR for companies is 30th September. If company is unable to file annual returns, late filing fees of Rs. 100/- per day will be imposed.

List Of Documents Required For
Company Annual Compliance
1. For MGT-7 following documents/information are required-
a. Certificate of Incorporation, Business address proof.
b. Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account of company.
c. List of shareholders and shareholding structure.
d. Details of Transfer or/& Transmission of securities.
e. Details of shares and debentures.
f. Changes in Directorship.
g. PAN of company
h. Principal business activities of company.
i. Approval Letter of extension of AGM (if any).
j. Copy of MGT-8 (if paid up share capital of 10 crore or more and turnover 50 crore or more). -
2. For AOC-4 following documents/information are required-
a. Copy of financial statement (including boards' report, auditors' report and other documents).
b. Approval Letter of extension of AGM (if any).
c. Company CSR policy as per sub-section(4) of section 135.
d. Details of comments of CAG of India
e. Secretarial Audit Report
f. Directors’ report as per sub-section (3) of section 134
g. Details of remaining CSR activities

Most Frequent Questions And Answers
ROC stands for Registrar of Companies which is an office under Ministry of corporate affairs that deals with the administration of Companies Act 2013. To avoid penalties and fines it is important to comply with all compliances applicable to your company.
As part of Annual filing, companies incorporated under Companies Act 1956 or Companies Act 2013, are required to the file the following E-Forms with registrar of companies-
a. AOC-4
b. MGT-7
MGT-7 is an electronic form provided by Ministry of Corporate Affairs to all the corporates for filing their annual return.Form MGT-7 must be filed every year by all the companies in India within 60 days of conclusion of annual general meeting. Hence, the due date for filing MGT-7 is normally 29th of November.
Every company registered under Companies Act 1956 or 2013 must file their financial statements, every year, in E-form AOC-4 along with required attachments with ministry of corporate affairs within 30 from conclusion of annual general meeting.
Yes, revised filing in respect of all annual filing e-forms can be done but the fees for subsequent revised filing will be charged assuming it is a new filing.
On successful e-filing and payment of e-form a SRN(Service Request Number) will be generated and using this number one can view the staus of transaction usin “Track Your Transaction link” on the website of MCA.